The Blog

46 whole ramblings and thoughts.

3 Work Culture Gotchas

10x engineer, rant

Optimising Parallel Python and the Billion Row Challenge

1brc, Multiprocessing, Python

Kubernetes Components with Terraform & Notes

kubernetes, cloud native, dev-ops

Machine Learning Starting Blocks

python, ml

Off To The Cloud - Part 2

aws, terraform, cloud

Off To The Cloud - Part 1

aws, terraform, cloud

AWS Basics

aws, cloud

Structured Logging in Java with SLF4j and Logback

json, logging, java

Deploying to Heroku from Gitlab

code, devops, CI/CD, heroku, gitlab

Zoho SMTP Setup

email, zoho, open-media-vault

Django tests in Gitlab CI

python, gitlab, django

Using Ghost & ParticleJS

Ghost, Node, ParticleJS, css, js-dom-manipulation

Adding Typescript to Gatsby

gatsby, typescript, webdev

The Fun Fun World Of JSON Validation


Easy Docker Containers on Raspery Pi With

code, docker, Raspberry Pi

What Even Is Mongo?

code, MongoDB, getting started

Using Sympy for Analytical Maths

code, python

Game Theory Coursework


Installing LaTeX on Windows

getting-started, maths, code

Some Useful Python Methods For Data Analysis

getting-started, maths, code

Probability and Inference


Why Most Files Can't Be Compressed

maths, coding-theory

Compression Techniques

maths, coding-theory

Taylor Expansions in PDEs

getting-started, maths, pdes

Genetic Algorithms

getting-started, code


getting-started, code

Coding Theory - Linear Codes

maths, coding-theory

Hi There!

getting started, silly code